** Latest: All Categories This is a view only category showing the adverts across all categories during the last few days.Agistment - Wanted Agistment wanted for horses or farm animals. See Business Directory for agistment available.Clothing/Boots/Helmets Selling items of rider clothing (jodhpurs, hacking jackets, competition shirts, chaps), helmets or boots. General clothing like coats, jumpers, t-shirts, jeans etc. are not permitted. Wanted items must be placed under General - Wanted.Farm Equipment Selling or wanting items of farm equipment (tractors, ploughs, seeder, fence posts, etc). NO Motor Bikes (Quad bikes accepted) Fund Raising Fund raising activites relating to horses.General - Horse Related Selling general items which are directly related to horses or horse properties. Household items and general clothing are not permitted. Wanted items must be placed under General - Wanted.See also General Services in Business Directory.General - Wanted Wanting general items or services which are horse related. Wanting saddlery items including rugs go in Saddlery - Wanted.Horse Drawn Selling or wanting horse drawn items (carts, harnesses). Horses for sale or wanted are not permitted.Horse Floats/Trucks Selling or wanting horse floats or horse trucks. Registration numbers should be provided. Due to potential overseas scams in this section, phone numbers are required. See scam warnings. See also Horse Floats in Business Directory.Horses - Lease Only Horses for lease only. Horses wanted must be placed in Horses - Wanted.Horses - Wanted Wanting to buy or lease a horse. No photos allowed.Horses For Sale (a) under $5000 Selling or swap horses. Horses wanted must be placed in Horses - Wanted.Horses For Sale (b) $5000 or more Selling or swap horses. Horses wanted must be placed in Horses - Wanted.Horses For Sale (OTT) Selling or swap off the track (OTT) horses. Horses wanted must be placed in Horses - Wanted.Horses For Sale ** All Price Ranges ** This is a view only category that shows all adverts from the horses for sale categories based on price range.Jobs - Vacant Jobs vacant in the horse industry (paid or unpaid).Jobs - Wanted Wanting jobs in the horse industry (paid or unpaid). Professional trainers/horse breakers should advertise in the business directory. You must be 16 years old to advertise in this section. No photos allowed.Lost/Stolen Horse related lost or stolen items. Comments of a personal nature will not be allowed.Pets/Farm Animals Selling or wanting pets (dogs, cats, fish, rabbits) or farm animals (except horses) and related items (cages, fish tanks).Property Selling or wanting horse/rural properties including rentals.Rainbow Bridge Rememberance of deceased pets, horses. RIPSaddlery - General Selling saddles go in Saddles Only and rugs go in Saddlery - Rugs Only, otherwise if the horse wears or uses the item, it can be put in Saddlery - General. Wanted items must be placed in Saddlery - Wanted. See also Saddlery Products in Business Directory.Saddlery - Rugs Only Selling horse rugsSaddlery - Wanted Wanting saddlery items such as saddles, bridles and other general horse gear.Saddles - English Selling saddles only. Wanted items go in Saddlery - Wanted.Saddles - Western/Stock Selling western saddles only. Wanted tems go in Saddlery - Wanted Scam Warnings If you have a scam email or know of a possible scam you may post in this category. However, comments of a personal nature will not be permitted.Towing Vehicles Selling or wanting towing vehicles. General car sales not allowed.Wanted - Information Wanting information on a horse, brand, or horse related advice.
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SA 10/12/24 Arena and round yard hire $15/hr Advert No.143781Shell grit 60x20 arena for hire.
- $170 for day hire
- $15 per hour
Included are the use of assorted jumps including cross country logs and a ditch too, a round yard, Under cover cross ties and wash Bay Area.
There is ample float parking space. Friendly and quiet atmosphere, also a nice quiet dirt road you can ride down after your ride in the arena.
Please contact for more information.
VIC 02/10/24 Kardella Farm Agistment Servicefrom $40 per week Advert No.53137Agistment Service and Training
Our Large all weather arena 80x100 overlooked by a indoor club house with kitchen facilities will open oppotunities for training days, small shows and lessons right on your door step.
We have shelttered paddocks with quality fencing, Large round yard, wash and tie up bays, private tack lockers, feed storage, truck/float parking, Large club house with kitchen facilities, toilet and shower block.
Training/lessons avalible from exsperinced performance horse riders to suit ability.
we aim to provide high quality care for you and your horse in a friendly, supportive and safe envoronment
SA 26/09/24 WINMALLEE CLASSICAL RIDING & WARMBLOODS Advert No.19414Winmallee offers a personal and caring attitude towards teaching horse and rider, an understanding above most. Lessons are straight forward and easy to understand with extensive theory for understanding the horse and his movements, learning how the horse thinks and his physical ability. I am happy to pass on my extensive knowledge gained from 40 years experience.
Highly trained school horses are available for lessons or this can be done on your own horse. Trail rides are also available for students.
Horses have highly developed senses that enable them to detect changes in their surroundings and affect how they think and act. Horse trainers and riders need to be aware of horses' senses and how horses feel and respond. Many riders do not realize how finely developed a horse's senses are and how sensitive they can be.
Winmallee has an extensive program for breeding quality Warmbloods. Stallions are selected from the very best bloodlines from Europe to meet the demands of the Australian Warmblood market.
Full size dressage arena with an excellent surface of Red Gum Sawdust to protect young horses legs. Mirrors all round to help you under saddle. Free lunging can be done as fully enclosed.
Paddocks are fertilised, seeded & weed free for quality feed and manure is picked up EVERY DAY which means property is worm free.
Winmallee also offers trained quality horses for sale for pony club, dressage, show ring and jumping.
SA 19/03/24 Gainsborough Equestrian CentreFrom $55 per week Advert No.46472(FREE SHORT TERM HOSTING FOR FIRE AFFECTED HORSES)
32 horse spaces for agistment.
Private and shared paddocking.
Stables with own private tack sheds.
Free float parking.
3 round yards.
Floodlit all weather dressage arena.
Jumping arena all weather.
Vet crush.
Safe horse fencing throughout whole property. Electric fences.
Live streaming security!
VIC 15/03/24 Patchwork Park Equestrian Centre - One of the few Grand Prix CDI stables in Australia!Multiple Services Advert No.122829One of Australia's Top Dressage establishments home to Grand Prix CDI rider, Susan Paix. We offer:
- Agistment
- Lessons (group, half hr private, pairs and full hr)
- Facility hire (indoor and outdoor arenas, roundyard)
- Consignment sales, retraining, resale
- Client to horse match-up
- Elite Warmblood breeding and youngstock sales
- School horses
- Clinics
- So much more
We are regular competitors in Dressage, driven to succeed and improve our clients.
Fast, friendly service, experienced and professional touch every time and one of the best in Australia, right at your doorstep.
If you want to reach goals with your horse, we can help you get there.
SA 21/02/24 Adelaide Plains equestrian centre60 /hr Advert No.143690Indoor riding school in Adelaide's north housing 10 beautifully trained, well mannered schoolmasters.
Our property has 3 main riding arenas including an indoor, kitchen and lounge areas, grand stand, upstairs viewing platform, club rooms and more!
Our head coach Sarah better known as "That Bridleless Girl" has years of experiance coaching students from beginner to advanced.
- lessons on our horses, or your own
- retraining or breaking
- school holiday programs for students
- indoor arena hire
- clinics/camps
We have an easy online booking system for lessons on our horses or feel free to email us at for other enquiries and bookings.
SA 09/01/24 GLOBE DERBY EQUESTRIAN CENTREBY NEGOTIATION Advert No.24287Venue for hire with or with out catering. Available to hold your up comming equine events. Charges are variable depending on areans needed. Please contact Micheal on 0403 944356 to discuss your needs.
SA 07/01/24 Nara Equestrian Advert No.122837Indoor Arena hire available in Stirling. 10 minutes to the city.
Available by the hour $20 additional horses $10 or half and full day clinics.
SA 07/01/24 Tilling Hill Equestrian Centre Indoor Arena Hire$30/hr Advert No.143294The Tilling Hill Indoor Arena is available for hire again!
- 60m x 20m arena with brand new Soiltex surface
- Mirrors
- Indoor cross ties to saddle up out of the rain
- Complementary tea and coffee facilities
- Ample float parking (no reversing required!)
SA 17/12/23 Darby Lodge Equestrian Centre Indoor Arena Hire in Hahndorf only 25 Minutes from Adelaide$40 Per Hour Advert No.103877Darby Lodge Equestrian Centre
Arena Hire - ONLY 25 MINUTES FROM ADELAIDE This state of the art Equestrian Centre is situated in outer Hahndorf, providing quality agistment for your horse(s). Friendly atmosphere where you can have peace of mind your horse is being cared for 24 hours a day.
Indoor Arena Hire Available from $40 per hour.
Facilities Offered: Indoor Riding Area
Very Good Lighting available $5 per hour
All Weather Outdoor Riding Area
Riding Instructor and Weekend Schools Available
Day Yards With Stand Offs
Paddocks with Shelters / Dams & Electric Fences
Excellent Road Riding
Prices According to Requirements
Stables Available
Competitive Prices on package deals for Stables / Day Yards / Arena Use
SA 29/11/23 Golden Grove Equestrian Centre Advert No.65898Quality Stabling and Training Facilities 5 mins from Tea Tree Plaza
Large Stables & Yards with Private Tack Rooms
Grazing Paddocks.
Feeding / Rugging Services Available to Suit Individual Requirements
NSW 22/11/23 Online Horse College from $24. Month Advert No.58746Government Accredited Equine Qualifications 'Online'. Study with us here at Ausintec Academy!
Complete the theory components of your course online, while your local instructor provides us with reports on your practical progress, or video your practical assessments and send us the file.
Our complete pathway of equine qualifications can take you from the complete beginner through to the qualified professional.
Become a Horse Riding Instructor, study Professional Horse Industry Qualifications. Some of our courses are:
Building Safety and Confidence
- Basic Horse Care; Horse Riding Lessons; Your Own Horse
Professional Horse Industry Qualifications
- Working with Horses; Trail Ride Instructor; Horse Riding Instructor
Specialised Equine Career Courses
- Stable/ Yard Manager; Specialised Horse Riding Instructor; Own Horse Business
Management Equine Career Courses
- Advanced Horse Riding Instructor; Equine Business Management
If you want to discuss your career path and what options are available to you, give us a call or send us an email to
SA 22/11/23 Fairview Lodge Animal ShelterDonations Wanted! Advert No.123145Fairview Lodge Animal Rescue provides a home, whether it be temporary or permanent, to injured, neglected, mistreated or unwanted animals. We specialise in farm animals, such as horses, pigs, sheep, goats, chickens, geese, ducks, and cats.
We always have animals up for adoption, so check out our Facebook page for updates, or send us a text message to inquire about animal availability!
VIC 12/10/23 Ballan Horse Agistment & Coaching Advert No.42027Ballan Horse Agistment & Coaching has on offer private paddock and group paddock agistment.
Our private paddocks are a generous size with natural shade and brand new electric fencing.
Our group paddock is approx 20acres of gentle hills with plenty of pasture. All paddocks have town quality water troughs.
Facilities include a large grass riding area with Cavalletti, 16m round yard, tie ups and a wash bay. Free float parking on site.
We also offer riding tuition, please phone for details.
We are close to town and the freeway, just 15mins from Bacchus Marsh and 20mins from Ballarat.
SA 03/10/23 JUPITER CREEK CROSS COUNTRY COURSE$30 PER HORSE Advert No.142638New and exciting Cross-country course available to hire for schooling!
Lots of jumps ranging from 30cm-2** heights!
Banks, Ditches, Water Jumps, plenty of skinnys!
Train before the Derby is held at the end of the month!
Text for details on hire.
Contact: 0478660085 Location: JUPITER CREEK
SA 27/09/23 Holiday Horsey Hoo-Hah!$120 Advert No.137220HOLIDAY HORSEY HOO-HAH! Comes to Adelaide.
Originally founded in NSW in 2010, this highly popular school holiday program will be offered again in South Australia during the April School Holidays / Easter Break.
Half-day, Full-day, 2-day and 3-day programs available.
Grace (10) says, after completing her Holiday Horsey Hoo-Hah:
“My riding has improved heaps and I’m more confidentâ€
Small intimate groups on proven horses, with personalised attention by your qualified and experienced instructor.
Concession and family discounts available.
Riding Lessons and Combo Sessions (Riding and Groundwork) also available.
Please enquire to discuss your individual requirements.
SA 14/08/23 Hallmark Farm cross country course hire $35 Advert No.136430With over 100 fences from 15cm to 3* Hallmark Farms XC training course is like nothing else in South Australia!
Water complex
6 different mound complexes
We have it all
Fully flagged to simulate competition
The perfect venue to train your horse
To book go to nominate and look under stable booking
SA 11/06/23 Academy of Dressage & Working Equitation Advert No.41165We are Celebrating 40 Years of Teaching, Coaching and Training Horses. 1974-2014
Intelligent Horsemanship with International Riding Masters
Barrie & Sarita Stratton
Call us if you are:
- Without a horse and want to ride well trained horses
- Keen to improve your knowledge and skills
- Between horses & keen to stay riding fit
- Needing a confidence boost - your horse or ours
- Getting back into riding
- Wanting to work on your position
- Want to try your hand at Trick Horse Training, Working Equitation or both
- Would like help training your horse - with ground work and/or under saddle.
Let us help you enjoy your journey, achieve your goals and realise your dreams.
A unique experience, different from anywhere else!
We teach in a straight forward and easily understood manner with attention to detail. We Offer a very Personal and Caring Service.
- Property Accredited with Horse Safety Australia
- Barrie National 'A' Level Dressage Judge & Judge Educator
- Sarita Senior & Clinic Instructor with Horse Safety Australia
- Advanced School Horses available that are a Joy to Ride
- Short Term Agistment Available for Visiting Horses and Riders in Training
- Pre & Post-Purchase Horse Assessments
- Trained with International Grand Masters throughout Europe and USA.
Visit us on Facebook!
SA 27/02/23 Nara Equestrian Arena hire Advert No.122836Indoor arena available to hire, full day and half day and hourly rates. Stirling, 10 minutes to the city.
Individual paddocks with shelter shed, electric fencing, wash bay
20 x 40 outdoor arena
Full size indoor arena
Tack shed, feed Shed (shared)
Room for float parking
References may be required
Please PM me if you would like to go on a waiting list
SA 23/02/23 Agistment @Klever Lodge lewiston$50 Advert No.130047Horse Agistment available.
Lewiston area!
Agistment avail.
X 4 large yards with shelters avail.
Property is Situated on 15 acres.
Free float storage avail. Horse tie up areas and undercover wash bays.
All paddocks and yards have electric fencing, and horse friendly pvc fencing in stables. Communal and individual tack sheds with lights. Property all lit up under sensor LED lights.Propwrty under camera footage for extra security and coded front gates.
Round yard and Dressage arena under LED lights for all year riding.
Jump arena with jumps n poles.
trail riding close through wetlands and we have a cross country coarse around whole property.
Full and part care also avail. Riding of your horse also avail.
Ask for prices when enquiring.
We have riding instructors/ horse breakers snd vets on property.
Great small group of Agistee's.
Please contact Kristy to organise a time for viewing. 😄
VIC 22/02/23 'Gold Fields', the propertyPOA Advert No.60492is home to The Bush Courtyard (pet friendly accommodation); Equine Sports Breeding (ESB horses) and the Gold Fields Stadium.
We hosted the 2009 PC State Championships and have a full XC course, grades 1-5 available for training.
We have excellent facilities for overnight stays with good accommodation in The Bush Courtyard, stables and post'n rail yards.
We are only 6kms from the pub, 15kms from the supermarket and 25kms from Bendigo.
**SOLD** SA 12/07/19 Whispering Sands Advert No.92883At Whispering Sands, we get horses & people confident & understanding each other on the ground which makes for a well prepared team when riding.
Have you lost your passion for riding? Are you making excuses for not riding or only riding when conditions are ‘just right’? Then it’s time to BUILD YOUR CONFIDENCE
Does your horse buck, bite, rear, bolt or maybe he is just pushy when around you or at feed time, we can assist you with all those issues and more.
We can teach you how to use body language, the power of intention & energy, so your horse will feel it and understand.
This focused & logical communication style appeals to all levels & ages of riders recreational & competitive.
Learn the elements of proper position & balance in the saddle and the ability to move in rhythm with his stride.
Learn proper position on the horse, good balance in the saddle & how to fix common riding errors.
You’ll be a balanced, fluid rider & feel confident in the saddle as you move harmoniously with your horse.
Float Loading
Liberty Training
Agility Training
Confidence Building for horse & rider
Private or group lessons